Week 4 & 1st Assignment

Hello everyone!! Welcome to another post of Internet Technologies in Language Learning. So today, I'm going to share about Using Podcasts & Digital Storytelling in Language Learning. What is PODCAST?? A podcast is an audio or video file broadcast via internet and the term 'podcast' comes from iPod (Apple portable MP3 player) and ‘broadcast’ Podcast are use for two main uses : Students can listen to existing podcasts Students can create their own podcasts There are several favorite podcast medium YouTube iTunes SoundCloud Blog Since we are learning about podcast, our lecturer has assigned us an individual assignment in which we have to do our own podcast in a storytelling type. Please don't listen to it if you don't want to have a nightmare. Jk. Now that you know a little bit of podcast, i think its time for me to say goodbye.Until we say again next time, bye!